Vimy Ridge in 360 with Google

Celebrating 100 years of Vimy Ridge in 360

Celebrating 100 years of Vimy Ridge in 360

Please share this Celebrating 100 Years of Vimy Ridge 360 Video and let us remember our Canadian who fought for the Great War.

April 9th mark the 100 years of Vimy Ridge battle during WW1 in France 1917 (The Great War or The War to end all War). With the help of technology we are able to travel back into time to experience the life of Canadian soldiers who has fought and died in France against the German army. It is a great learning tools for our and next generations to learn and aware what war is like in the 1917, also to remember the Canadian soldiers who fought the war at 16 years and younger. I can’t imagine seeing this young teen fighting and dying, it must been a haunting memories for their life.
Meanwhile April 9th, 2017 weather in Canada is colder than usual but nothing like the Vimy Ridge battle in the cold snow wet weather, Vimy Ridge in 360 allowing viewer to see the ground that has been pounded with thousand of bombs impact such as horror scene.
Check out this Celebrating 100 years of Vimy Ridge in 360 video below and CBC: How to teach a new generation about Vimy: Peter Mansbridge
Please share this Celebrating 100 Years of Vimy Ridge 360 Video and let us remember our Canadian who fought for the Great War.

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