Mental Stigma awareness photo

Messenger of Mental Illness Awareness

Mental Illness Awareness Purpose in Life

Does the public knows much about Mental illness? Only bad news about Mental Illness made it to the public, this painted a stigma to the mental illness populations. For myself I have little knowledge of such illness, little do I know Mental Illness Awareness project awaits for me.

Life with a Purpose as Faith Speaks

Yes I do believe each person has a purpose in life! There are certain elements are meant for me! I’m talking about Faith! I can tell you many encounters I have experienced before, such as how I met my wife oversea by no accident. How I won some big prices during a local game show ‘Price is Right’ even thought I never had a door entry ticket or any intention to be part of it. A 649 lottery numbers given by my grandfather in a dream; as I was one number away from being a Millionaire. Yes it sounded weird but I do believe in faith, there are purpose in life! My family also taught me hard work and being a good person at the same time!

Mental Illness Awareness project came to my path from an unusual way. I have never thought about such topic because it is something I have no knowledge of, as a wedding photographer and videographer I have done weddings related work but none like this. I feel like I’m a messenger from God even though I’m not a religious person. It all brought back to the people I have met, the skills I have gained during the years and this is why this Awareness Project is meant to be part of my journey.

Mental Illness News for Media and Hollywood

The Mental Illness was very new to me, I don’t have any mental illness friends or encountered this issue before. It is one of the subject you hear or watch on the media. Beautiful movies by the Hollywood Russell Crowe ‘A Beautiful Mind or a recent movie Silver Linnings Playbook won eight academy award.

How did it started?

It all happened when a close friend came down with a sudden mental illness that shocked me and friends. A kind and a social person was the last person I would believe to have such illness! A loving adult with little stress in life, a person with NO drug or alcohol addiction and a happy out going person. It came out from no where, little sign painted during the years but never would I see it coming! This make me wanting to know more about this illness!

Thinking Turn to Action

I was thinking how I can help? I wanted people to be more educated of the illness such as where to seek help; I needed more answers. So I was thinking all this unanswer meanwhile I was heading to Hong Kong for a trip. As this trip leads to something I never expected, it gave me the starting point of my project.

It was last day of the year 2012, new year evening shortly afternoon I came across a lady in the middle of the park! As a photographer I do carry my camera most of the time even just a walk in the park. Immediately I knew something was wrong. Looking back, there is a reason WHY I’m walking in the park and meeting this angel at this odd hours. It was no accident! I followed her with my camera while observing people around her, checking to see if she is not going to put herself in danger. It was never occur to me I will be in any danger. As I followed her I’m NOT seeing a mental ill person but a person is drowning in a pool and waiting for someone to pull her out! A person cries without shedding tears! Someone is seeking help in the public as there is no help in sight even the police could not help her in the video. After the documented the video, I have created many questions than answers! Where can one seeks help? What can I do to make her voice heard! God has send me a piece of puzzle, now it is my duties to get the answers out. But I do need help from the Professional side as Sandra Y MacKay answered me!

Mental Illness Global Issue

Share Vancouver Filmmakers Shares Mental Illness Global Issue

This video does not involve with any actor or actress; there is addition sound added. As you can see photos and video, police has little help and support. There is little they can do as some of the people around the park spoke openly; it is not her first time! Little understanding Mental Illness does not surprise me as I have little knowledge myself.

Sandra Yuen MacKay Author of – My Schizophrenic Life

A friend from the Vancouver Coastal Health gave me Sandra’s contact information as need a professional advices. Sandra is the author of ‘My Schizophrenic Life‘, a great book I would recommend anyone to read and learn; I enjoyed a lot. Sandra also has received Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

My Schizophrenic Life : The Road To Recovery From Mental Illness

Vancouver artist Sandra Yuen MacKay has an abnormality of the brain – a disease called schizophrenia. As she says, “my life is schizophrenic because I have schizophrenia. It will always be there”. Much of her life has been a struggle to cope with the symptoms of her disease and the side effects of the medications required to keep those symptoms in check. Early in her life, Sandra started to exhibit the typical symptoms of this disease which came as a surprise to her unsuspecting family. Her book chronicles her struggles, hospitalizations, encounters with professionals, return to school, eventual marriage, and success as an artist, writer and advocate. “Remarkably compelling…the book takes on a life if its own…a gripping narrative” Library Journal “There are precious few people who have experienced psychosis and can convey it accurately, clearly,and concisely. Sandra MacKay’s story is an important one for all of us in the mental health field –doctors, patients, and their families. It is imperative that we take in the lessons she is imparting to us all, on how to manage, and in many ways, triumph, over chronic mental illness.”

Sandra Y MacKay My Schizophrenic Life photo

Sandra Y MacKay My Schizophrenic Life

My Schizophrenic Life : The Road To Recovery From Mental Illness order on Amazon.

Sandra’s website link to her Art, books and a lot of interest and do bookmark her page! I did!

Vancouver Filmmakers Share Sandra Yuen MacKay Story

Wayne Lam Visual Artist combining his creative skills and the love of being with people to create one of the kind ‘Art of Storytelling’ He also created a Short Film ‘Color Of Lovers.
Contact Vancouver Wedding Photographer + Videographer Wayne Lam at 604 430 9888

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